Who is She

Who is she that walks on that lonely path, With her face down? Who is she, that drops a tear in every step she takes? Who is she that reads the letters from her love, And in every word she reads she sees his face? Why doesn’t she just say that she loves him? Does …


I was the last to see you, Last to feel you, Last to touch you, Last to speak to you, …..last to see you leave…forever, But your still on my mind, In my heart, And in my thoughts, It was just like losing a bestfriend, And yes it did hurt, ….hurts a lot….

I Tried

I tried, Running to hold his hand, But I fell and scraped my knees each and every time, I tried smiling, But I cried each time, I tried, Putting the puzzle back together, But could not find the missing piece, I wont give up but I’ll keep on trying, Until I get what I need… …

I’m Okay

I have hurt my hand many times……but I’m okay, I have seen the world all over the place….but I’m okay, I have shed many tears……but I’m okay, I have fell and scarped my knees….but I’m okay, I have felt you, seen you, and have always loved you, But without you I’m…..okay.    

Behind These Eyes

Behind these eyes is happiness that’s hard to find, Behind these eyes is the hidden truth, Behind these eyes is success, Behind these eyes there is a deep feeling, Behind these eyes is a long but sad story, Behind these eyes is the missing pieces of a broken heart.    

Ending That Fits

Sometimes I look around, It looks as if the world is going to close in on me, And I feel as if should end this battle, But then when I see those smiling faces shatter, And turn into crying faces, I know I should keep on with my battle, Until I get an ending that …


The brightness of the sun, Remind me of the bright smiles, The moonlight, Reminds me of the faces I used to see on the moon, The apple falling off the tree. Reminds me of every fall  I have made, The  cracks in the road, Reminds  me of the cracks in my life…… Hope tells me …


Why? I watch them look at me, Smiling, laughing, At I, Who did not do anything, I look back at them, With my blood shot eyes, I look at that dirt under my feet, Standing in front of me, That dirt, That same dirt I was  tortured in, In that dirt I watch them die, …


I watch my reflection in the window, I watch my dreams melt in my eyes, And roll down my cheeks, Why? I ask, why? But still I do not get answers? That I do not know? But all I know is my battle just began.


You are always there for me when I need a hand, You are always there for me when I need a shoulder to cry, You are always there to share my cheer, You are always there to heal me, You are always there to share my pain, You are always there to touch my heart, …