There is a way to Everything.

You see a flame, Do something about it….get rid of it, You won’t burn, It’s raining outside, Don’t just drench….play in the rain, You won’t soak, You see roses, Don’t watch them die….smell them, It is snowing, Don’t hold back…build a snowman, You won’t freeze, There is a way to everything.


I will learn how to hold on, I will learn how to speak up, I will learn how to hold back, I will rebel, I will learn from my mistakes, I will leave an afterglow of smiles, Once life is done.


Different colored skittles, In the same place, Ending up in the same  place, But then…. What is wrong with us?

What Can I Do?

I sit on a hilltop, Watching the sunset, But as I look around I see…. People being tortured, People being hurt, People starving, But what can I do? I want to help.


I am lost, I go in a forest, Where am I? I look for a light, But then find a trail, I follow it, But it just led me to a…… Waterfall.

Waiting for You

The bed you slept in, Is still there, Your footsteps still echoes, Your soul still whispers, I will not touch these memories…. But I will look out my window, And watch the seasons pass by….. Waiting for you.


Who? Who is he that never shows up on either side nor, In front of me? Who is  he that when does show up in front of me, is behind those curtains? Who is he that waits for me in the forest, On the lonely bench? Who is he, that has his hand out, For …

You are the…

You are the apple falling from the tree, You are the raindrops falling from the sky, You are the book falling from the bookshelf, You are the snowflake from the heavens above…… Into the palms of my hands.


Life is like a candle, The candle burns, It melts, And so does life, You cannot live life backwards, You have to look ahead, To see what lies in the future, Life is something that you cannot just get, You have to earn it.